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This gene encodes a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, and contains a single copy of a baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR) as well as a RING-type zinc finger domain. The BIR domain is essential for inhibitory activity and interacts with caspases, while the RING finger domain sometimes enhances antiapoptotic activity but does not inhibit apoptosis alone. Elevated levels of the encoded protein may be associated with cancer progression and play a role in chemotherapy sensitivity. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants
Protein class


Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Hofbauer cells, Muller glia cells, Melanocytes, Extravillous trophoblasts, Cytotrophoblasts)

Immune cell specificity

Not detected in immune cells

Cell line specificity

Cell line enriched (SK-MEL-30)


Binds to CASP9. Interaction with DIABLO/SMAC via the BIR domain disrupts binding to CASP9 and apoptotic suppressor activity. Interacts with TAB1. In vitro, interacts with CASP3 and CASP7 via its BIR domain.

Molecular function

Protease inhibitor, Thiol protease inhibitor, Transferase

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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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