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This gene encodes a 190 kD nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in maintaining genomic stability, and it also acts as a tumor suppressor. The BRCA1 gene contains 22 exons spanning about 110 kb of DNA. The encoded protein combines with other tumor suppressors, DNA damage sensors, and signal transducers to form a large multi-subunit protein complex known as the BRCA1-associated genome surveillance complex (BASC). This gene product associates with RNA polymerase II, and through the C-terminal domain, also interacts with histone deacetylase complexes. This protein thus plays a role in transcription, DNA repair of double-stranded breaks, and recombination. Mutations in this gene are responsible for approximately 40% of inherited breast cancers and more than 80% of inherited breast and ovarian cancers. Alternative splicing plays a role in modulating the subcellular localization and physiological function of this gene. Many alternatively spliced transcript variants, some of which are disease-associated mutations, have been described for this gene, but the full-length natures of only some of these variants has been described. A related pseudogene, which is also located on chromosome 17, has been identified.
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Spermatocytes, Spermatogonia, Erythroid cells, Granulosa cells)

Immune cell specificity

Group enriched (classical monocyte, neutrophil, myeloid DC, basophil, intermediate monocyte)

Cell line specificity

Low cell line specificity


Heterodimer with BARD1 (PubMed:11573085, 12890688, 14976165). Part of the BRCA1-associated genome surveillance complex (BASC), which contains BRCA1, MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, ATM, BLM, PMS2 and the MRE11-RAD50-NBN protein (MRN) complex (PubMed:10783165). This association could be a dynamic process changing throughout the cell cycle and within subnuclear domains (PubMed:10783165). Component of the BRCA1-A complex, at least composed of BRCA1, BARD1, UIMC1/RAP80, ABRAXAS1, BRCC3/BRCC36, BABAM2 and BABAM1/NBA1 (PubMed:19261746, 19261748, 19261749, 20351172). Interacts (via the BRCT domains) with ABRAXAS1 (phosphorylated form); this is important for recruitment to sites of DNA damage (PubMed:17525340, 17643121, 17643122, 24316840, 26778126, 23269703). Can form a heterotetramer with two molecules of ABRAXAS1 (phosphorylated form) (PubMed:26778126). Component of the BRCA1-RBBP8 complex (PubMed:16101277). Interacts (via the BRCT domains) with RBBP8 ('Ser-327' phosphorylated form); the interaction ubiquitinates RBBP8, regulates CHEK1 activation, and involves RBBP8 in BRCA1-dependent G2/M checkpoint control on DNA damage (PubMed:16818604, 9811458). Associates with RNA polymerase II holoenzyme (PubMed:9662397). Interacts with SMC1A, NELFB, DCLRE1C, CLSPN (PubMed:11877377, 15096610, 15456891, 11739404). Interacts with CHEK1, CHEK2, BAP1, BRCC3, UBXN1 and PCLAF (PubMed:10724175, 11836499, 14636569, 20351172, 21673012). Interacts (via BRCT domains) with BRIP1 (phosphorylated form) (PubMed:11301010, 15133502, 21473589). Interacts with FANCD2 (ubiquitinated form) (PubMed:11239454). Interacts with H2AX (phosphorylated on 'Ser-140') (PubMed:12419185). Interacts (via the BRCT domains) with ACACA (phosphorylated form); the interaction prevents dephosphorylation of ACACA (PubMed:12360400, 16326698, 16698035, 18452305). Part of a BRCA complex containing BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2 (PubMed:19369211). Interacts directly with PALB2; the interaction is essential for its function in HRR (PubMed:19369211, 28319063). Interacts directly with BRCA2; the interaction occurs only in the presence of PALB2 which serves as the bridging protein (PubMed:19369211). Interacts (via the BRCT domains) with LMO4; the interaction represses the transcriptional activity of BRCA1 (PubMed:11751867). Interacts (via the BRCT domains) with CCAR2 (via N-terminus); the interaction represses the transcriptional activator activity of BRCA1 (PubMed:20160719). Interacts with EXD2 (PubMed:26807646). Interacts (via C-terminus) with DHX9; this interaction is direct and links BRCA1 to the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme (PubMed:9662397).

Molecular function

Activator, DNA-binding, Transferase

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