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This gene encodes a subunit of the BRCA1-BRCA2-containing complex (BRCC), which is an E3 ubiquitin ligase. This complex plays a role in the DNA damage response, where it is responsible for the stable accumulation of BRCA1 at DNA break sites. The component encoded by this gene can specifically cleave Lys 63-linked polyubiquitin chains, and it regulates the abundance of these polyubiquitin chains in chromatin. The loss of this gene results in abnormal angiogenesis and is associated with syndromic moyamoya, a cerebrovascular angiopathy. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. A related pseudogene has been identified on chromosome 5.
Protein class

Disease related genes, Enzymes, Potential drug targets

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Low cell type specificity

Immune cell specificity

Low immune cell specificity

Cell line specificity

Low cell line specificity


Component of the ARISC complex, at least composed of UIMC1/RAP80, ABRAXAS1, BRCC3/BRCC36, BABAM2 and BABAM1/NBA1 (PubMed:20656690, PubMed:24075985). Component of the BRCA1-A complex, at least composed of BRCA1, BARD1, UIMC1/RAP80, ABRAXAS1, BRCC3/BRCC36, babam2 and BABAM1/NBA1. In the BRCA1-A complex, interacts directly with ABRAXAS1 and babam2 (PubMed:18077395, PubMed:19261748). Component of the BRISC complex, at least composed of ABRAXAS2, BRCC3/BRCC36, BABAM2 and BABAM1/NBA1 (PubMed:24075985, PubMed:25283148, PubMed:26344097). Identified in a complex with SHMT2 and the other subunits of the BRISC complex (PubMed:24075985). In the BRISC complex, interacts directly with ABRAXAS2 (PubMed:20656690, PubMed:26344097). Identified in a complex with ABRAXAS2 and NUMA1 (PubMed:26195665). The BRISC complex interacts with the CSN complex. Component of the BRCA1/BRCA2 containing complex (BRCC), which also contains BRCA1, BRCA2, BARD1, BABAM2 and RAD51. BRCC is a ubiquitin E3 ligase complex that enhances cellular survival following DNA damage. Interacts with BRCA1. Binds polyubiquitin. Interacts with PWWP2B (By similarity). Interacts with HDAC1; this interaction is enhanced in the presence of PWWP2B (By similarity).

Molecular function

Chromatin regulator, Hydrolase, Metalloprotease, Protease

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