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This gene encodes a member of the cysteine-aspartic acid protease (caspase) family. Sequential activation of caspases plays a central role in the execution-phase of cell apoptosis. Caspases exist as inactive proenzymes which undergo proteolytic processing at conserved aspartic residues to produce two subunits, large and small, that dimerize to form the active enzyme. The precursor of the encoded protein is cleaved by caspase 3 and 10, is activated upon cell death stimuli and induces apoptosis. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding multiple isoforms have been observed for this gene.
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, Enzymes

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Distal enterocytes, Paneth cells)

Immune cell specificity

Low immune cell specificity

Cell line specificity

Low cell line specificity


Heterotetramer that consists of two anti-parallel arranged heterodimers, each one formed by a 20 kDa (p20) and a 11 kDa (p11) subunit. Interacts with BIRC6/bruce. Interacts with ATXN3 (short isoform 1) (PubMed:30455355). Interacts with HSPA5 (PubMed:26045166).

Molecular function

Hydrolase, Protease, Thiol protease

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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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