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The protein encoded by this gene is a mitogen that is secreted by vascular endothelial cells. The encoded protein plays a role in chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation, cell adhesion in many cell types, and is related to platelet-derived growth factor.
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Fibroblasts, Smooth muscle cells, Adipocytes, Extravillous trophoblasts, Cardiomyocytes)

Immune cell specificity

Immune cell enriched (naive B-cell)

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (EFO-21, HUVEC TERT2, TIME)


Monomer (PubMed:1654338). Interacts with TSKU (PubMed:30232710).

Molecular function


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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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