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DERL1 is a member of the derlin family. Members of this family participate in the ER-associated degradation response and retrotranslocate misfolded or unfolded proteins from the ER lumen to the cytosol for proteasomal degradation. This protein recognizes substrate in the ER and works in a complex to retrotranslocate it across the ER membrane into the cytosol. This protein may select cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR) for degradation as well as unfolded proteins in Alzheimer's disease.
Protein class

Plasma proteins, Transporters

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Plasma cells)

Immune cell specificity

Low immune cell specificity

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (SK-BR-3)


Homotetramer (PubMed:33658201). The four subunits of the tetramer are arranged in a twofold symmetry (PubMed:33658201). Forms heterooligomers with DERL2 and DERL3; binding to DERL3 is poorer than that between DERL2 and DERL3. Interacts (via SHP-box motif) with VCP (PubMed:16289116, PubMed:16186510, PubMed:16186509, PubMed:16449189, PubMed:27714797). Interacts with AMFR, SELENOS, SEL1L, SELENOK and SYVN1, as well as with SEL1L-SYVN1 and VCP-SELENOS protein complexes; this interaction is weaker than that observed between DERL2 and these complexes. Interacts with NGLY1 and YOD1. Does not bind to EDEM1. Interacts with DNAJB9. Interacts with RNF103 (PubMed:15215856, PubMed:16055502, PubMed:16186509, PubMed:16186510, PubMed:16289116, PubMed:16449189, PubMed:18675248, PubMed:19818707, PubMed:22016385). Interacts with HM13 (PubMed:25239945). Interacts with XBP1 isoform 1 (via luminal/ectodomain domain); the interaction obviates the need for ectodomain shedding prior HM13/SPP-mediated XBP1 isoform 1 cleavage (PubMed:25239945). Interacts with the signal recognition particle/SRP and the SRP receptor; in the process of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced pre-emptive quality control (PubMed:26565908). May interact with UBXN6 (PubMed:19275885). Interacts with ZFAND2B; probably through VCP (PubMed:24160817). Interacts with CCDC47 (By similarity). Interacts with C18orf32 (PubMed:29275994). May interact with TRAM1 (PubMed:19121997). (Microbial infection) Interacts with the cytomegalovirus US11 protein.

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