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The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the dual specificity protein phosphatase subfamily. These phosphatases inactivate their target kinases by dephosphorylating both the phosphoserine/threonine and phosphotyrosine residues. They negatively regulate members of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase superfamily (MAPK/ERK, SAPK/JNK, p38), which are associated with cellular proliferation and differentiation. Different members of the family of dual specificity phosphatases show distinct substrate specificities for various MAP kinases, different tissue distribution and subcellular localization, and different modes of inducibility of their expression by extracellular stimuli. This gene product inactivates ERK2, is expressed in a variety of tissues with the highest levels in heart and pancreas, and unlike most other members of this family, is localized in the cytoplasm. Mutations in this gene have been associated with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene.
Protein class

Disease related genes, Enzymes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (granulocytes, Kupffer cells, Alveolar cells type 2)

Immune cell specificity

Immune cell enhanced (basophil)

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (AN3-CA, NB-4, SK-MEL-30)


Interacts with MAPK1/ERK2.

Molecular function

Hydrolase, Protein phosphatase

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