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ENAH (Enabled Homolog (Drosophila)) is a Protein Coding gene. Among its related pathways are Immune System and E-cadherin signaling in the nascent adherens junction. GO annotations related to this gene include actin binding and WW domain binding. An important paralog of this gene is SPRED1.
Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Low cell type specificity

Immune cell specificity

Not detected in immune cells

Cell line specificity

Low cell line specificity


Homotetramer (By similarity). Interacts with APBB1IP, APBB1, PFN1 and ROBO4 (PubMed:12941633, PubMed:15469846, PubMed:17686488). Isoforms, containing the polyproline-rich regions with PPLP motifs, bind the WW domain of APBB1IP (PubMed:15469846). Isoforms, containing the PPSY motif, bind, in vitro, to the WW2 and WW3 domains of NEDD4 and to the WW1 domain of YAP1 (By similarity). Binds the SH3 domain of BAIAP2-alpha but only after the autoinhibitory region of BAIAP2-alpha has been blocked by interaction with CDC42 (PubMed:11696321, PubMed:18158903). Interacts, via the EVH1/WH1 domain, with the Pro-rich domains from VCL, ZYX and Listeria monocytogenes actA and with TES (via LIM domains) (PubMed:9312002, PubMed:18158903, PubMed:21278383). The TES LIM domain and the Pro-rich domains from VCL or ZYX compete for the same binding site (PubMed:9312002). Interaction with ZYX is important for targeting ENAH to focal adhesions and enhances production of actin-rich structures at the apical surface of cells (PubMed:10801818). Interacts, through the Pro-rich region, with the C-terminal SH3 domain of DNMPB (By similarity). Binds GPHN (By similarity). Interacts with FAT1 (via EVH1 domains) (By similarity). Heterotrimer with TES and ACTL7A (PubMed:21278383). Interacts with PRPF40A (By similarity).

Molecular function


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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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