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Glutamate receptors are the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the mammalian brain and are activated in a variety of normal neurophysiologic processes. This gene product belongs to the kainate family of glutamate receptors, which are composed of four subunits and function as ligand-activated ion channels. The subunit encoded by this gene is subject to RNA editing at multiple sites within the first and second transmembrane domains, which is thought to alter the structure and function of the receptor complex. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have also been described for this gene. Mutations in this gene have been associated with autosomal recessive cognitive disability.
Protein class

Disease related genes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes

Predicted location

Intracellular, Membrane (different isoforms)

Single cell type specificity

Group enriched (Inhibitory neurons, Oligodendrocyte precursor cells, Excitatory neurons)

Immune cell specificity

Not detected in immune cells

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (BJ, BJ hTERT+, fHDF/TERT166, HAP1, SiHa, WM-115)


Homotetramer or heterotetramer of pore-forming glutamate receptor subunits. Tetramers may be formed by the dimerization of dimers (Probable). Assembles into a kainate-gated homomeric channel that does not bind AMPA. GRIK2 associated to GRIK5 forms functional channels that can be gated by AMPA (By similarity). Interacts with DLG4. Interacts with NETO2 (By similarity). Interacts (via C-terminus) with KLHL17 (via kelch repeats); the interaction targets GRIK2 for degradation via ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (By similarity).

Molecular function

Ion channel, Ligand-gated ion channel, Receptor

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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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