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The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily, and TIM family of proteins. CD4-positive T helper lymphocytes can be divided into types 1 (Th1) and 2 (Th2) on the basis of their cytokine secretion patterns. Th1 cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity to intracellular pathogens and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, whereas, Th2 cells are involved in the control of extracellular helminthic infections and the promotion of atopic and allergic diseases. This protein is a Th1-specific cell surface protein that regulates macrophage activation, and inhibits Th1-mediated auto- and alloimmune responses, and promotes immunological tolerance.
Protein class

CD markers, Disease related genes

Predicted location

Intracellular, Membrane (different isoforms)

Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Hofbauer cells, Kupffer cells, dendritic cells, Macrophages, granulocytes, NK-cells, Langerhans cells, Proximal tubular cells, monocytes)

Immune cell specificity

Group enriched (myeloid DC, NK-cell, intermediate monocyte, classical monocyte, non-classical monocyte)

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (ASC diff, Daudi, HDLM-2, HMC-1, RPMI-8226)


Interacts with HMGB1; impairs HMGB1 binding to B-DNA and likely HMGB1-mediated innate immune response (By similarity). Interacts with BAG6 (By similarity). Interacts (phosphorylated) with PIK3R1 and PIK3R2. Interacts (not dependent on its phosphorylation status) with FYN (By similarity). Interacts (in basal state T-cells) with VAV1; AKT1/2, LCP2, ZAP70, SYK, PIK3R1, FYN, SH3BP2 and SH2D2A. Interacts (in activated T-cells) with LCK and PLCG (PubMed:26492563, PubMed:24337741). Interacts with ILF3; this interaction promotes ILF3 ubiquitination and degradation (PubMed:34110282).

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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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