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This gene is the putative transforming gene of avian sarcoma virus 17. It encodes a protein which is highly similar to the viral protein, and which interacts directly with specific target DNA sequences to regulate gene expression. This gene is intronless and is mapped to 1p32-p31, a chromosomal region involved in both translocations and deletions in human malignancies.
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, FDA approved drug targets, Transcription factors

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Low cell type specificity

Immune cell specificity

Not detected in immune cells

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (RH-30)


Heterodimer with either BATF3 or ATF7 (PubMed:10376527, 12087103, 15467742). Heterodimer with FOS (By similarity). Heterodimer with FOSB isoform 1 and 2 (By similarity). Component of an AP-1 transcription factor complex composed of JUN-FOS heterodimers (By similarity). As part of the AP-1 transcription factor complex, forms heterodimers with FOSB, thereby binding to the AP-1 consensus sequence and stimulating transcription (By similarity). Interacts with FOS and FOSB isoform 1 and 2 (By similarity). The ATF7/JUN heterodimer is essential for ATF7 transactivation activity (PubMed:10376527). Interacts with DSIPI; the interaction inhibits the binding of active AP1 to its target DNA (By similarity). Interacts with HIVEP3 and MYBBP1A (By similarity). Interacts with SP1, SPIB and TCF20 (PubMed:10196196, 16478997, 8663478). Interacts with COPS5; the interaction leads indirectly to its phosphorylation (PubMed:8837781). Component of the SMAD3/SMAD4/JUN/FOS/complex which forms at the AP1 promoter site (PubMed:10995748). The SMAD3/SMAD4 heterodimer acts synergistically with the JUN/FOS heterodimer to activate transcription in response to TGF-beta (PubMed:9732876). Interacts (via its basic DNA binding and leucine zipper domains) with SMAD3 (via an N-terminal domain); the interaction is required for TGF-beta-mediated transactivation of the SMAD3/SMAD4/JUN/FOS/complex (PubMed:10995748). Interacts with methylated RNF187 (PubMed:20852630, 23624934). Binds to HIPK3. Interacts (when phosphorylated) with FBXW7 (PubMed:14739463). Found in a complex with PRR7 and FBXW7 (PubMed:27458189). Interacts with PRR7 and FBXW7; the interaction inhibits ubiquitination-mediated JUN degradation promoting its phosphorylation and transcriptional activity (PubMed:27458189). Interacts with RBM39 (By similarity). Interacts with PAGE4 (PubMed:24263171, 24559171, 26242913).

Molecular function

Activator, DNA-binding

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