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Catalytic activity: (S)-lactate + NAD+ = H+ + NADH + pyruvate
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Basal keratinocytes, Basal respiratory cells, Extravillous trophoblasts)

Immune cell specificity

Low immune cell specificity

Cell line specificity

Low cell line specificity


Homotetramer (PubMed:11276087). Interacts with PTEN upstream reading frame protein MP31 (PubMed:33406399). Interacts with folliculin FLCN; the interaction is direct and inhibits enzymatic activity (PubMed:34381247).

Molecular function


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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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