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The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the family of nitric oxide synthases, which synthesize nitric oxide from L-arginine. Nitric oxide is a reactive free radical, which acts as a biologic mediator in several processes, including neurotransmission, and antimicrobial and antitumoral activities. In the brain and peripheral nervous system, nitric oxide displays many properties of a neurotransmitter, and has been implicated in neurotoxicity associated with stroke and neurodegenerative diseases, neural regulation of smooth muscle, including peristalsis, and penile erection. This protein is ubiquitously expressed, with high level of expression in skeletal muscle. Multiple transcript variants that differ in the 5' UTR have been described for this gene but the full-length nature of these transcripts is not known. Additionally, alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms (some testis-specific) have been found for this gene.
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, Enzymes, FDA approved drug targets, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Oligodendrocyte precursor cells, Inhibitory neurons, Hepatic stellate cells, Basal prostatic cells)

Immune cell specificity

Not detected in immune cells

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (HaCaT, RH-30, RPTEC TERT1, U-2 OS)


Homodimer. Interacts with DLG4; the interaction possibly being prevented by the association between NOS1 and CAPON. Forms a ternary complex with CAPON and RASD1. Forms a ternary complex with CAPON and SYN1. Interacts with ZDHHC23. Interacts with NOSIP; which may impair its synaptic location (By similarity). Interacts with HTR4 (By similarity). Interacts with SLC6A4. Interacts with VAC14 (By similarity). Interacts (via N-terminal domain) with DLG4 (via N-terminal tandem pair of PDZ domains). Interacts with SLC6A4. Forms a complex with ASL, ASS1 and SLC7A1; the complex regulates cell-autonomous L-arginine synthesis and citrulline recycling while channeling extracellular L-arginine to nitric oxide synthesis pathway (By similarity).

Molecular function

Calmodulin-binding, Oxidoreductase

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