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This gene encodes a large coiled-coil protein that forms intranuclear filaments attached to the inner surface of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The protein directly interacts with several components of the NPC. It is required for the nuclear export of mRNAs and some proteins. Oncogenic fusions of the 5' end of this gene with several different kinase genes occur in some neoplasias.
Protein class

Cancer-related genes, Disease related genes, Human disease related genes, Metabolic proteins, Plasma proteins, Potential drug targets, Transporters

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enhanced (Spermatocytes)

Immune cell specificity

Low immune cell specificity

Cell line specificity

Low cell line specificity


Interacts with IFI204 (via C-terminal region). Interacts with IFI203 (By similarity). Homodimer. Part of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Associates with the XPO1/CRM1-mediated nuclear export complex, the Importin alpha/Importin beta receptor and the dynein 1 complex. Interacts (via C-terminal domain) with the KPNB1; the interaction occurs in a RanGTP-dependent manner. Interacts (via C-terminal regionand phosphorylated form) with MAPK1/ERK2 (via phosphorylated form); the interaction requires dimerization of MAPK1/ERK2 and increases following EGF stimulation. Interacts with MAPK3/ERK1; the interaction increases following EGF stimulation. Interacts (via coiled coil region) with NUP153; the interaction is direct. Interacts with HSF1; the interaction increases in a stress-responsive manner and stimulates export of stress-induced HSP70 mRNA. Interacts with huntingtin/HTT; the interaction is inhibited by aggregated huntingtin/HTT forms with expanded polyglutamine stretch. Interacts with MAD1L1 (via N-terminal region), MAD2L1, and TTK; the interactions occurs in a microtubule-independent manner. Interacts (via middle region) with DYNLL1. Interacts with DCTN1, dynein, NUP153 and tubulin. Interacts with MTA1.

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