PE-A*02:03/Human LMNB1 (PLSPTRLSRL) MHC Tetramer (CAT#: MHC-LC4086)

This product is a tetramer of biotinylated peptide/MHC complex with streptavidin mainly composed of human LMNB1 of peptide PLSPTRLSRL covering 21-30 and A*02:03 molecule. The pMHC tetramer recognizes CD8 T cells, and can be used in the analysis of individual antigen-specific T cells.

Specific Inquiry
  • Size:
  • Gene Expression
  • Datasheet
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  • COA
Subcellular Location and Protein Expression
Normal Tissue
RNA Expression


  • Allele
  • A*02:03
  • Class
  • Class I
  • MHC Species
  • Human
  • Antigen
  • LMNB1
  • Antigen Species
  • Human
  • Peptide
  • Range
  • 21-30
  • Conjugate
  • PE
  • Application
  • FCM


  • Antigen Introduction
  • This gene encodes one of the two B-type lamin proteins and is a component of the nuclear lamina. A duplication of this gene is associated with autosomal dominant adult-onset leukodystrophy (ADLD). Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2015]
  • Alternative Names
  • LMNB1; Lamin-B1; LMN; ADLD; LMN2; LMNB


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For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use. No products from Creative Biolabs may be resold, modified for resale or used to manufacture commercial products without prior written approval from Creative Biolabs.

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