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DLX1 (Distal-Less Homeobox 1) is a Protein Coding gene. This gene encodes a member of a homeobox transcription factor gene family similiar to the Drosophila distal-less gene. The encoded protein is localized to the nucleus where it may function as a transcriptional regulator of signals from multiple TGF-{beta} superfamily members. The encoded protein may play a role in the control of craniofacial patterning and the differentiation and survival of inhibitory neurons in the forebrain. Diseases associated with DLX1 include Split-Hand/Foot Malformation 5 and Dental Fluorosis.
Protein class

Transcription factors

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Cell type enriched (Inhibitory neurons)

Immune cell specificity

Not detected in immune cells

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (AN3-CA, U-138 MG, WM-115)


Interacts with SMAD4 (via homeobox DNA-binding domain) (PubMed:14671321). Interacts (via homeobox DNA-binding domain) with POU4F2; this interaction suppresses DLX1-mediated transcriptional activity in postnatal retina and enhances retinal ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation (By similarity).

Molecular function

Activator, Developmental protein, DNA-binding, Repressor

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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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