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Leukocyte-associatedimmunoglobulin-like receptor 2 ( LAIR2 ), also known as CD306, is a 131 aminoacid protein containing one lg-like C2-type domain. It is expressed as asoluble receptor exhibiting high affinity for various collagen molecules towhich it binds in a hydroxyproline-dependent manner. LAIR2 is a member of theimmunoglobulin superfamily and was identified by its similarity to LAIR1, aninhibitory receptor present on mononuclear leukocytes. LAIR2 is thought to besecreted and may help modulate mucosal tolerance. As a natural competitor forLAIR1, soluble LAIR2 prevents binding of human LAIR1 to collagens and LAIR1cross-linking, thereby regulating its inhibitory potential. Accordingly, LAIR2is suggested to perform an immunoregulatory function.
Protein class

CD markers

Predicted location

Intracellular, Secreted (different isoforms)

Single cell type specificity

Cell type enriched (Extravillous trophoblasts)

Immune cell specificity

Group enriched (T-reg, memory CD8 T-cell, gdT-cell, memory CD4 T-cell, naive CD8 T-cell)

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (BEWO, Hep G2)

Molecular function


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