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ST6GALNAC2 belongs to a family of sialyltransferases that add sialic acids to the nonreducing ends of glycoconjugates. At the cell surface, these modifications have roles in cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions, bacterial adhesion, and protein targeting.
Protein class

Enzymes, Metabolic proteins

Predicted location


Single cell type specificity

Group enriched (Late spermatids, Early spermatids)

Immune cell specificity

Immune cell enriched (neutrophil)

Cell line specificity

Cell line enhanced (BEWO, HaCaT, HBEC3-KT, hTCEpi, MCF7, SK-MEL-30, T-47d)

Molecular function

Glycosyltransferase, Transferase

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For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

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