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Avian influenza virus

Avian influenza virus (AIV) is a influenza a virus. Influenza viruses belong to the RNA virus family of orthomyxoviridae, divided into 3 types: a, b and c. Influenza a viruses are mainly found in poultry, and some can infect various mammals such as pigs, horses, seals and whales as well as humans. Influenza b and c viruses are found in seals and pigs, respectively. Avian viral influenza is an infectious disease caused by influenza A virus with symptoms ranging from respiratory system to severe systemic sepsis. Bird flu is easy to circulate among birds, in the past known in the public as "chicken disease", which was designated as a class a infectious disease by the oie. Avian influenza broke out in Australia, Italy, Hong Kong, China and the Netherlands in 1994, 1997, 1999 and 2003, and in 2005, mainly in southeast Asia and Europe. Avian influenza typically occurs in the spring and winter, and is not normally transmitted from person to person. Prevention of avian influenza should pay attention to the following : 1) wash your hands frequently, stay away from the secretions of poultry, and take care to thoroughly clean your hands with disinfectant and clear water after coming into contact with birds, birds or poultry, and bird droppings to avoid traveling to the affected area; 2) Develop good personal hygiene habits, use hand or toilet paper to cover the mouth when coughing, strengthen indoor air circulation, open the window for ventilation for half an hour once or twice a day, want to have enough sleep and rest, a balanced diet, pay attention to the intake of some foods rich in vitamin C to enhance immunity; 3) Eat poultry meat should be cooked, cooked through, eggs with the first egg wash, cooking full heating, do not eat raw or half of the eggs.
Avian influenza virus
Avian influenza—known informally as avian flu or bird flu is a variety of influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds. The type with the greatest risk is highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Bird flu is similar to swine flu, dog flu, horse flu and human flu as an illness caused by strains of influenza viruses that have adapted to a specific host. Out of the three types of influenza viruses (A, B, and C), influenza A virus is a zoonotic infection with a natural reservoir almost entirely in birds. Avian influenza, for most purposes, refers to the influenza A virus.

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